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Athlete Nicole Hacohen wins her first UCI Cup gold medal

What great pride! The 24-year-old athlete Nicole Hacohen won her first gold medal at the UCI Cup (International Cycling Union), which took place in Pennsylvania, United States.

Nicole practices the sport of track cycling in speed mode and competes in two individual categories and keirin, and thanks to her great effort managed to qualify for this world cup competeing against 17 people.

In the final, she competed against -at that time- the champion of the United States, and managed to win the medal, which was also the first gold that the athlete had won.

“I feel super happy and satisfied with all the work I've been doing. I have had to live outside of Guatemala, train outside of Guatemala, and look for all the possibilities to achieve my goals,” said Hacochen.

Likewise, last year she made history in her country, as she was the first athlete from Guatemala (no men nor women has qualified) to qualify for the Track World Championships. This goal she hopes to achieve this year and will focus all her energy on it.

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